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Principles of�staff relations

We�aim to�attract and retain the services of�the most appropreately skilled individuals.

We�require our empoyees and contractors to�perform their duties conscientiously, honestly and with due regard to�the best fair and ethical practices.

We�will not tolerate any discrimination and ensure equal rights amongst employees.

We�are not content to�accept any injuries amongst our employees and contractors, and

We�strive to�perform in�compliance with this standard.

Send�CV to the HR archive

News: Production Results in august
In�august 2005�paper machines
of�OJSC �MBPSY (Komi Republic) reached
the historical maximum of�68708�tons of
board and paper output monthly (RUS).

Mass media publications �Project thinking�
CEO of�OJSC �MBPSY� Rinat Starkov speaks
about the company�s�technological modernization (RUS).

Youth Organization
OJSC �MBPSY� top-management
always supports the Youth Organization, helping
to�instill all the youth projects and ideas.