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OJSC �Mondi Business Paper Syktyvkar� undertakes a�commitment to�strive for straight-out quality. Straight-out quality is�concerned with every product and service we�deliver to�both internal and external customers. With this commitment we�are indicating that the risks are available. We�consider necessary to�interfere, when we�see that the work cannot be�delivered in�the best way, and we�continuously explore the opportunities to�improve technologies using knowledge and experience of�our colleagues from other Mondi operations.

Quality means economic success for the company and therefore the prosperity for employees and shareholders. We�adhere to��zero defects� standard in�our performance. Today our company produces several dozens of�different paper grades. High quality of�Syktyvkar paper was marked by�ISO�9001 certificate.

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Our target is�to�engage, train and retain
the best specialists in�our company

The Board of�the Directors of�OJSC �MBPSY�
takes the aim to�follow the model policy in
the sphere of�environment.

Ecology � forest certification
The project of forest management
and chain-of-custody certification according
to the international system of voluntary certification
of Forest Stewardship Council