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Customs clearance

Functions of�customs clearance department

  1. Provide customs clearance for export and import cargoes shipped and received at�MBPSY by�railway, road and air transport by�mail and by�means of�express carriers;
  2. Take in�bond and release MBPSY and other companies' cargoes at�MBPSY customs storage warehouse; provide customs clearance accounting and reporting;
  3. Consult MBPSY business units and departments regarding customs clearance. Location of�MBPSY customs clearance department: adminisrtative building �1, southern end entrance, office �12.

MBPSY customs storage warehouse

MBPSY customs storage warehouse (open type)�� certificate register number: 10202/100002, valid till 08.02.2010.

Location: 2�Bumazhnikov avenue, Syktyvkar (area of�MBPSY Equipment Warehouse).

Take in�bond and release: daily from 8�a.m. till 4�p.m. except Saturday and Sunday.

24�hours operation.

Contact details:


E-mail: [email protected]

The Board of�the Directors of�OJSC �MBPSY�
takes the aim to�follow the model policy in
the sphere of�environment.

Mass media publications �Project thinking�
CEO of�OJSC �MBPSY� Rinat Starkov speaks
about the company�s�technological modernization (RUS).

News: Production Results in august
In�august 2005�paper machines
of�OJSC �MBPSY (Komi Republic) reached
the historical maximum of�68708�tons of
board and paper output monthly (RUS).