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Anglo American plc and its subsidiaries have an established tradition of community involvement and social investment.

We have always seen the objectives of seeking to provide superior returns to our shareholders and shouldering our share of social and environmental responsibilities as complementary.

Our business success brings with it obligations of good stewardship and ethical behaviour. Our operations will perform better when the communities surrounding them are stable and prosperous. Conducting business now with an eye to the needs of the future is the essence of sustainable development.

Entering the era of globalisation we recognise that many people have fears about the pace of changes and the perceived motivations and power of international corporations. We think that in response, we have to be transparent and accountable. We need to show that we use our resources and influence in society to the good.

The fragment from “Good Citizenship: Our business principles”

Our contacts:
Phone: +7 (8212) 69-91-96
E-mail: [email protected]